Whoever cleans the house knows the job that is to always leave it tidy and organized, right? What if I tell you that you can leave most things clean in a short time and without much effort? And the best, using cheap things or what we already have at home!
The following tips will leave you with no excuses when doing that cleaning. Get to work!
1 – Oven

Throw some ammonia in a not too big container and leave it in the oven overnight (without turning on the oven). The fat and dirt will come out very easily. But beware: the ammonia has a very strong smell, so when you handle it use a mask or something to cover your nose and stir it in an airy place.
2 – Animal odors

In a container, add baking soda and oxygenated water in equal parts. Pass the mixture with the help of a sponge in the place where the smell is.
3 – Plastic containers

Rub them using lemon juice, let dry, and then rinse.
4 – Coffee grinder

Just grind some rice, and then throw some baking soda.
5 – White stains on taps

Rub half a lemon on the taps, and after 5 minutes rinse them with water.
6 – Stains on the carpet

Prepare a solution using one part vinegar for two of the water. Moisten a cloth with this solution and then cover the stain with it. Iron the clothes with hot steam (only works with steam) for 30 seconds on top of the moistened cloth and repeat the procedure until the stain comes out.
Also read: How to Do a Thorough Kitchen Cleaning
7 – Drains

Spread over the drain half a cup of baking soda. Then, throw half a cup of vinegar. Cover the drain and leave it to rest for 15 minutes. Then just rinse.
8 – Blinds

Put a clean sock in your hand. Submerge it in a mixture of one part water to one part vinegar. Then you just put the sock on the blinds.
9 – Powder

Use an antistatic cloth (found in cleaning products stores).
10 – Narrow neck glass

Fill the glasses with hot water up to half full. Add a little detergent, two tablespoons of ammonia, and half a glass of white rice. Throw this mixture into the glasses and shake them well. Then just rinse.
Translated and adapted by Limepedia staff.
Sources: Tudointeressante