Almonds are a fruit of a tree called almond, which has been used since ancient times for medicinal purposes. In the following lines, we will comment to you on what they are and how you can include them in your meals.

Good source of vegetable protein
This nut is a 21% protein carrier, so it is good food for growing children, teenagers, and those who do a lot of sport. It helps to restore the cells and to give us part of the energy necessary to face the challenges of the day.

Prevention of cardiovascular diseases
Almonds have a lot of healthy fats, which are good for your heart and arteries. They are excellent for reducing the levels of bad cholesterol in the blood, responsible for heart attacks and cardiovascular accidents.
This happens if you have too much fat present in your arteries, which makes it difficult to properly deliver oxygen to your heart. Almonds have good doses of good cholesterol, called HDL, which is necessary for the proper functioning of the body’s organs.

Also read: Vitamin A: The Health Benefits
Improving the immune system
Almonds provide vitamin E, B1, B3, 73% magnesium, 69% phosphorus, 31% zinc, 16% potassium and 30% iron. Many of these vitamins and minerals are antioxidants, molecules that intervene in the treatment of cardiovascular and degenerative diseases.
This means that they strengthen our immune system, the one in charge of protecting us against infections and diseases. This is extremely important in the times of pandemic we are living.

Strengthening our brain
Eating almonds every day improves our cognitive level, that is, our ability to process information, relate it, and analyze it. Therefore, our memory, learning, concentration, and productivity are increased. They are an excellent food for the brains of young and old alike.

How to consume them
Doctors suggest eating about 20 almonds every day as a healthy snack. It can be eaten in many forms: raw, which comes in a plastic bag and is the healthiest option, in nougats, cakes, and vegetable-based meal condiments. They are also an available ground for this purpose.
Translated and adapted by Limepedia staff.
Sources: Facilisimo