Success is something we all seek in life, but neither your legs nor your heart is the ones that lead you to it. It is your mind that really drives you, as it generates your thoughts and even your emotions. That’s why it’s important to pamper and train it to avoid the bad moves it sometimes makes us go through, like calling our ex or self-sabotaging on a test.
By having absolute control over our brain, we will be able to increase intelligence levels, obtaining a better job, higher income, and avoiding diseases such as Alzheimer’s. By the way, we will also be able to identify the boy of our dreams.
1. Play to win

Researchers at the Institute of Sport in England found that changing the way we think about our performance makes a big difference.
For example, saying, “I hope I don’t lose,” will give you negative results, whereas, when you say, “I’m here to win,” everything will be more flattering.
2. Pay attention to your surroundings

Studies show that paying attention changes the way the brain responds to stress. That’s why the military has started teaching soldiers to gain better control over their brains, which will help them respond with less anxiety to difficult situations.
3. Visualize yourself at the top of the ladder

Mental imagery has a profound effect on the way your body behaves, and some studies show that no matter what your skill level, you can achieve your goals just by visualizing yourself.
4. Talk to yourself

Many will believe that you are losing your mind, however, there is no one in the world better than you to know what you are looking for and need. Go over in your mind again and again the thousands of possibilities you have in any situation and make the right decision.
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5. Dare to do new activities

When you experience new things you stimulate your brain. To avoid routine, change your route to school or the office, even try a new recipe will make a big difference.
6. Exercising also helps your brain

Being in motion is fundamental to increase your intelligence since every exercise you do helps generate new cells in your brain.
7. Try to train your memory

To achieve this you can start with small things like memorizing songs, the phones of your closest friends, birth dates, or addresses.
8. Increase your curiosity

The best way to bring out your curious side is by questioning where certain products come from, what they contain, and so on you will begin a cycle of curiosities, questions, and answers that will activate your brain.
9. Try to stay positive

Stress and anxiety kill the neurons and prevent the creation of new ones. So think positive.
10. Eat healthily

Remember that we are what we eat. That’s why it’s important to maintain a healthy diet since your brain receives 20% of the nutrients you consume.
Translated and adapted by Limepedia staff.
Sources: Okchicas