How do you manage to be charming, pleasant, liked by everyone, and have a devastating personality? Many people are born with that spark to please people, but others are “made” charming.
Because we are more likely to do business, maintain close relationships with people we like, we are naturally attracted to those who are polite, modest, pleasant, and kind. In short, people with charm. If you also want to be part of this group, practice these tricks:
1. Be happy to meet someone

When you feel someone understands you, they respect your opinion, your views, your experience-whatever you are communicating-naturally you feel more important. Maintain eye contact and smile or frown when the other person does, so that a bond is created, which is an essential part of the charm.
2. You may seem vulnerable

Those with charm do not try to win in any silent competition with those they know. In fact, they have no problem admitting their weaknesses or their mistakes. People with charm have enough confidence not to feel threatened by being vulnerable.
3. Insist on a compromise over contradictions

We are trained to argue, challenge, and be the devil’s advocate because the exchange of opinions is the way we separate the wheat from the chaff. Charming people do not actively or purposefully seek to disagree, but seek the opposite. Only if it is appropriate, they will share a different point of view and thus be creating an interesting conversation.
4. Use the power of physical contact (selectively)

Touching someone in a non-sexual way can be powerful. Touch can influence someone’s behavior, increase the chances that they will follow rules, make the person making the contact look more attractive and friendly, and can even help you close a deal.
5. Laugh at your weaknesses

People with charm admit their mistakes without anyone asking them. They don’t mind that their experience serves as a warning to others; when you take ownership of your weaknesses others don’t laugh at you, they laugh with you and realize that it’s okay to let your guard down and connect with you in a genuine way.
6. Find out how to relate to others

Irresistible people always know how to relate to others. When people have very high self-esteem, they may seem distant or indifferent, but these people have a certain magnetism that makes people feel that you are like them. The more things someone feels they have in common with you, the more they will be attracted to you. Irresistible people know how to find common ground between themselves and many different people.
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7. Treat others the way you like to be treated

Some people are very careful, but they don’t behave the same way when they think the other is beneath them. Lovely people treat everyone the same: everyone deserves respect and kindness.
8. Remember Names

Charming people remember names and even small details in an impressive way. The fact that they can instantly remember makes us feel a little more comfortable and better about ourselves, which also makes us perceive them better.
9. Be authentic

Being charming is often a by-product of people being unique and different. Don’t act like someone you’re not when your individuality is something that will make you memorable and special.
10. Less is more

Lovely people already know what they know, now they want to know what you know. And that makes you feel important. Because you are. Most people don’t know how to listen at all, and it’s true. Lovely people know and want to listen more than talk.
Translated and adapted by Limepedia staff.
Sources: Okchicas