In today’s society, where the number of obese increases, as well as the consumption of industrialized products, rich in fats, sugars, and salt, it is not uncommon that many suffer from heart problems. Heart attacks are a real and present risk and every care is needed to avoid them.
According to the Ministry of Health, myocardial infarction is one of the main causes of death in Brazil, occurring about 400 thousand cases of heart attacks with approximately 70 thousand deaths per year.
And, as a friend warns, we decided to give some easy tips on how to know if you or someone close to you is on the verge or at risk of having a heart attack.
1. Fatigue
In other words, that tiredness without apparent cause. This happens because of the narrowing of the arteries, causing the heart to receive less blood than it is used to and forcing it to work more than normal. Because of this, the person feels tired and sleepy all the time.
2. Shortness of breath

When the heart pumps less blood, the lung has more difficulty in transporting the oxygen and, consequently, there is less oxygen to itself. Both organs work together, so if one does not work well, the other will also fail in their tasks. Feeling shortness of breath for no apparent reason is not good at all, and one should see a doctor as soon as possible.
3. Weakness

When you feel sudden weakness, it is because the arteries are not allowing adequate blood circulation through the body. The muscles, without the necessary amount of nutrients and oxygen carried by the blood, become weaker and may even cause falls.
4. Dizziness and cold sweat

Poor blood circulation through the body also affects the brain, causing a feeling of dizziness, and it is common to feel disheartened and clumsy, like sudden poor coordination of movements. NEVER ignore this symptom, as your life may be at risk.
Also read: How to Know When You Are Not Drinking Enough Water
5. Pressure on the chest

When you are having the symptoms of a heart attack, it is normal that you feel (or have been feeling) pain or pressure on the left side of your chest. The bad news is that these symptoms only increase until the moment the attack itself occurs.
6. Having cold or flu symptoms
This is a strange symptom, but it can occur in some people. When you have the same symptoms as a cold, out of nowhere, it can mean that a heart attack is imminent. It is known that there are people who have complained of having had symptoms of cold before their attacks.
If you or someone close to you has any of these symptoms, seek medical help as soon as possible, because in many cases it is possible to leave the board with none or few important consequences.
Translated and adapted by Limepedia staff.
Sources: Tudointeressante