Permanent home straightening? You want your hair to be straight, but you don’t want to subject it to treatments that will damage it. Or you want to have soft hair without having to incur expensive treatments. Is this possible? I invite you to join me in this article and see the different alternatives that exist to straighten your hair without subjecting it to chemicals that damage it in the long run and without incurring great expenses.

Keep your hair well cared for
The first thing you should know is that if you want a natural straightening, what you should do is keep your hair hydrated, taking care of the way you comb it. When you are going to style it, do it in a soft way, don’t comb it wet as it is easier to break. It is better to untangle it before washing it. It’s important to remove the ends of your hair that are split and frizzy.
Make apple vinegar your hair’s ally
How can vinegar help to obtain a permanent home smoothing? Apple vinegar has been shown to be excellent for dealing with your hair. Not only does it help to counteract dandruff, but it also gives your hair natural shine and softness.
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Coconut and avocado oil mask
Coconut oil is used in different hair treatments. It is ideal to straighten hair and also prevents it from becoming frizzy, thanks to its properties. You can create a hair mask with virgin coconut and avocado oil. You only need three spoonfuls of coconut oil, half a ripe avocado and a spoonful of honey.
After you prepare the mask you apply it to your clean hair, then you put on a plastic cap and leave it on for 20 minutes. Then take it off with plenty of water. Your hair will be soft, manageable, and silky. The coconut and avocado oil actually allows the hair to gradually become permanently straightened at home.
Straighten your hair with aloe vera
The permanent home smoothing that aloe vera offers is one of the most effective. Since it acts as a kind of keratin it can strengthen and straighten the hair from the root. You just have to put some aloe vera gel on your wet hair and let it act for about 20 minutes. The results will surprise you
Translated and adapted by Limepedia staff.
Sources: Facilisimo