An all-purpose cleaner is sometimes not enough to clean our home, especially during the Covid-19 pandemic, when we need to disinfect surfaces. We need a disinfectant. However, when we want to disinfect the kitchen countertop, it would be best to use a natural non-toxic disinfectant. So we’re going to show you how to make disinfectants with alcohol and baking soda to clean the house.

Recommendation before you start
To use any of the disinfectants we will show you, have a spray bottle at hand. You will spray on the surface you want to clean and let it work for a minute. Then dry with a cloth or kitchen paper. Finally, do not store it for more than a week so use it as much as possible.
Also read: How to Do a Thorough Kitchen Cleaning
Disinfectant recipe for cleaning smooth spaces
In this issue of disinfectants with alcohol and baking soda to clean the house, this is ideal for cleaning the bathroom, kitchen counter, and tiles. You will need household alcohol (highly recommended for cleaning objects and hands due to coronavirus), water, and essential oil of lemon.
First of all, put in a spray bottle a combination of 150 ml of alcohol in 350 ml of water and 5 drops of lemon essential oil. Mix all the ingredients well. Spray and let dry. In this same order of ideas about disinfectants with alcohol and bicarbonate of soda to clean the house, we present you with another cleaning product with fewer ingredients. This time you will need baking soda and tea tree essential oil.
In a spray bottle, mix 6 tablespoons of hot water, 2 tablespoons of baking soda, and 8 drops of essential oil. After mixing well, apply to the kitchen counter, a tile, or the bathroom, and let dry.
Disinfectant to sprinkle
Finally, in this exhibition about alcohol and baking soda to clean the house, you need baking soda, soda crystals, and hydrogen peroxide. Pour the baking soda, the soda crystals, and hydrogen peroxide in equal proportions into a bottle. Shake the bottle to mix well and apply this powder with a cloth to clean any surface.
Translated and adapted by Limepedia staff.
Sources: Facilisimo