The color lavender is a very feminine color, and very flattering, although it is difficult to combine. To give you some ideas I bring you this post that I hope can help you if you want to buy something in this color and you don’t dare because you don’t know how to take advantage of it. Let’s start.

In dress and with flowers
One of the easiest ways to wear this color. A dress doesn’t need much more. You just have to choose accessories according to the pattern (or if you dare, some color in contrast). In this look, I chose some fuchsia heels and a bag in the same lavender tone as the dress (you are lucky; at the time it was hard for me to get a bag in this color, but this year there are many stores that have them).

With pastel shades
The pastel shades combine perfectly with the color lavender. If it is also a floral print, the result will be even more feminine. To give it a more fun touch, I chose a cuddly clutch in this case.

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With leather
Black leather pants are perfect because they give a more rocker touch to color as delicate as mauve.

With vibrant colors
It is the craziest and most daring option of all, but also the most different and fun. The idea is to combine some garments in strong tones with the color lavender. In my example, I opted for a total look in fuchsia, mauve coat, and silver shoes. A step further is my second example, combined with intense green.

Translated and adapted by Limepedia staff.
Sources: Facilisimo