If you want to keep your closet in perfect harmony, there is a very simple method created by the guru of order, Marie Kondo, a Japanese woman who since childhood was fond of cleaning and turned her passion into her work to help everyone to take care of harmony in the home. Her method is known as KonMari, and you will find all her advice in her books The Magic of Changing Your Life by Ordering and The Spark of Joy, which so far have been translated into 30 languages and have reached 6 million copies sold worldwide.
Marie recommends starting with your closet, the rest can easily be left after taking the first step, such as books, papers, objects, and so on. She also ensures that you can use the method in your life, you just have to follow these simple steps…
1. By categories

Garments should be sorted by category and not by location.
2. Only if it makes you happy

The rest should go in the trash can.
3. If it doesn’t work, bye

You must decide what stays and what goes.
4. Be decisive

She suggests that this process be done in one day, so start with the whole attitude and eliminate everything that is no longer useful to you. And remember that if you don’t use it, no one in your family will either.
5. Be grateful

As strange as it may sound, you should thank each piece for the service is provided and let it go.
6. Easy access

You must organize everything correctly so that it is in view.
Also read: 6 Tips to Avoid Clutter and Free Up Space in Your Closet
7. Start with the easy stuff

Skirts, pants, and another day you can continue with underwear and jewelry.
8. No boxes

Nor should you buy other types of storage materials, they only serve to occupy space.
9. A bag within a bag

To accommodate your precious bags, it is best to put one bag inside the other and arrange them by type.
10. It is an individual work

Avoid teamwork, it will only steal your time.
Translated and adapted by Limepedia staff.
Sources: Okchicas