Did you know that there is something called the Self-Care Theory? There is, and it proposes that people practice activities to maintain their life, health, and well-being. Although it is very easy to become overwhelmed with a society in constant movement and demands, we can always decide how to live and promote integral care that helps us to have a healthy life.
We usually go to the doctor when we have discomfort. He examines us, performs tests, gives the diagnosis and we go home with our prescription and medications so we don’t come back until the next time it’s necessary. Am I right? Well, self-care works on our well-being and tells us not to wait to get sick, suggests that we incorporate healthy habits to avoid as much as possible having to go to the doctor and even self-medicate. It is something like: better to prevent than to regret. Other changes that self-care tells us to make in our lives have to do with:
1. Take care of what you eat

The proper functioning of the brain depends on the nutrients it receives. Certain foods induce or reduce our performance. Therefore, we recommend that you become aware of what you eat and how you eat it. We are fortunate to have such varied and healthy foods.
2. Be willing and improve your attitude

The attitude with which you start the day and the way you deal with it has an impact on the experiences you develop. We all have bad moments in life, but try to see the positive side of the negative. This will help you to keep your mind healthy and balanced and also your body, because it has been shown that stress and negative thoughts influence our physical health, even contributing to the development of diseases.
Also read: How to Take Care of Your Oily Skin
3. Give up or moderate

Throughout our lives, we have acquired habits that help us to release stress or simply to live with other people. The problem comes when those habits become excessive and even destructive, so in the case of alcohol consumption do not take it to the extreme. That will help your body and mind not to deteriorate more quickly. The same goes for tobacco, sugary drinks, and other substances that become harmful.
4. Relate to your emotions

Fear, anguish, anger, sadness, love, guilt, uncertainty. We are inevitably vulnerable to experiencing each of these emotions at some point in our lives. Instead of trying to control them, relate to them, and try to understand why you are experiencing them. Many times trying to get rid of them hurts us more than living them as they come.
5. Activate yourself

We are body and mind, and if you have already begun to modify your diet and remove those bad habits that will eventually affect your body, we will help you with some physical activity as a process of integral detoxification. The exercise you do, adapt it to your age, condition, availability, tastes, etc.
Translated and adapted by Limepedia staff.
Sources: Okchicas