When you want to make totally drastic changes in your life and rewrite history, you first have to clean up what is no longer useful, on both the physical and spiritual planes. Accumulating things from the past makes you follow the same patterns over and over again and life seems like déjà vu to you, but it also gives the impression that there are people who are achieving more than you are.
For deep cleansing of your life, you have to review the past, present, and future, and the mess that is inside you and around you has to disappear. To do this, you can follow these 6 tips that will help you to that fresh and totally different restart.
1. Get rid of the garbage

Start at home, throw away, give away, or donate the things that you don’t need, without leaving it as a pendant for one of these days. Clothes you don’t wear, kitchen utensils you didn’t even take out of the box, decomposed things, etc.
The more things you find, the better for you. But don’t do it thinking about occupying those spaces later on with more things that simply won’t fit. And don’t settle for just cleaning the house, think about your office, the car or any space where you can have things, even at your parents’, friends’ or boyfriend’s house.
2. Delete files

Yes, you also have to clean the hard drive of your computer, cell phone, tablet, or any other device or account where you have stored things that you don’t even remember exist. It doesn’t matter that you have free space, it’s all about cleaning up and thus freeing you from the weight. Leave only what you like or what represents some emotional value to you.
3. Bring order

In your home, office, or any space related to you, establish a harmonious order, so that everything has its place and is easier to find.
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4. Filter the information

Information tends to accumulate and is not withdrawn from our subconscious, therefore it must be filtered well. Just let in what represents some value or new knowledge useful for your life and don’t pay attention to gossip.
5. Don’t leave it hanging

Finish what you have pending or if there is something that you can’t do, better leave it alone. That way you can move forward and not feel that you are dragging things along and that they don’t let you do new projects.
6. Check your “friends”

As part of the cleaning process, check the list of those people you know who are just that or who truly represent a friendship. It’s not about having hundreds of “friends” on social networks or on your cell phone who are only there because they added you, stay with the people you know, and don’t undermine your personal development.
Translated and adapted by Limepedia staff.
Sources: Okchicas