Maybe you’re one of the girls who doesn’t consider tardiness a problem. But your closest friends know that it is, so they call you half an hour before to be on time for an event or they avoid the hassle and go to your house to work as a team.
But deep down you know that this is not normal and that little by little it’s starting to get out of hand: you set more than 2 alarms on your mobile, you ask mommy to help you get up and you’ve even trained your dog to help you do it… without getting any results. That’s why we present you with 8 habits to change your life and forget about tardiness.
1. Say goodbye to snooze

Forget about the 5 more minutes, don’t turn off your alarm clock until you’re on your feet, and don’t set too many alarms.
2. Prepare your things the day before

You can save a lot of time preparing your outfit or meal one night in advance. This will save you from rushing through the morning.
3. Set a time frame

You never know if you will encounter a demonstration or some traffic on your way. That’s why try to get out in extra time, at least 15 minutes.
4. Make a plan

Make an agenda where you organize and calculate what time you will do each activity to have enough time to do them all.
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5. Don’t say yes to everything

Prioritize your activities according to your schedule. Don’t say yes to your friends, family, or partner just to look good, because, in the end, you will end up failing them.
6. Don’t justify yourself or say that nothing happens

Don’t justify your tardiness, don’t use excuses, don’t tell yourself nothing is wrong, and learn to have a little remorse when you are late or for not attending an event you said yes to. Learn from it and try again.
7. Be realistic

Dr. DeLonzor says people who are punctual really know how long it takes to do something. The unpunctual ones, on the other hand, perform magical thinking.
For example, we all know that a work meeting doesn’t last 15 minutes, but those who are late think it will only last 5 minutes and they will have plenty of time for other activities.
8. Use the rewards

Well, we talked about being realistic and not being hard on yourself for being late. Now, if you have managed to get there early, congratulate yourself, take a little break, make your favorite drink, and relax because you are doing great.
Translated and adapted by Limepedia staff.
Sources: Okchicas