Firm skin: The Four Best Tips For Beautiful and Smooth Skin

At the sight of some legs, one easily gets the impression that tight skin is unevenly distributed by nature. But one thing is clear: What photos of models show us is not the normal skin appearance.

Taut skin like that which the media disseminate thousands of times is often the result of graphic processing – Photoshop makes it possible. But there are actually tricks you can use to keep (or get) taut skin.

The four secrets of taut skin

1. The circulation trick

The basis for firm skin and a body without cellulite is good blood circulation. It promotes the metabolism and thus the removal of substances that clog up the tissue.

Those who are not naturally well supplied with blood can and should get: Plenty of fresh air, massages, and exercise stimulate the blood circulation and thus also help to tighten the skin.

2. The movement trick

Our connective tissue is not dead, but a highly living “organ”. In order for it to work at full speed, however, it must be stimulated. And as a reward for its appearance, there is taut skin. Climbing stairs instead of taking the elevator, taking long walks in the fresh air, and once or twice a week a crisp sports session, be it endurance or strength training, ensure taut skin.

Also read: 5 Great Benefits of Using Ice for Your Skin

3. The beauty trick

Beautifully cared for skin always looks equally firmer and more attractive than unkempt skin. This applies to the face and body. So cream regularly, on the body also with products against cellulite. These do not magic away the orange peel skin, but they do care for the surface and thus make the skin look firmer. Creams with shiny particles also conjure up an even surface.

4. The nutritional trick

The connective tissue wants to be well-nourished: Water is therefore one of the most important partners in the fight against sagging skin. Because sufficient liquid – instead of water, unsweetened teas are also fine – keeps you slim and the tissue on its toes. You should also focus on fruit and vegetables. Beauty food provides your skin with the nutrients it needs to be firm and beautiful. Be careful with coffee and sugar – they “clog up” the tissues and are a permanent attack on your taut skin. So it’s better to enjoy in moderation!

Translated and adapted by Limepedia staff.

Sources: Fitforfun