It’s nothing new that every living being needs water, but we must admit that we don’t always remember it. The recommended amount of water varies according to the sex, the physical activities the person does, and also the age.
But the body gives clear signs that the amount of water being consumed daily is not enough for the functioning and maintenance of the body.
1 – Dry skin
The skin is the biggest organ of our body and needs hydration. The lack of sweat can be extremely harmful to health because it makes the body unable to eliminate the excess of dirt and oil accumulated throughout the day. If you want to avoid this problem, it is better to take more water!

2 – You are always thirsty
This is a great indicator that there is something wrong with your body. Besides dehydration, some diseases also cause excessive thirst. So, when you feel this symptom, it’s better to stay alert, whim your hydration and in case the symptoms persist, it’s better to seek a doctor.

3 – Dry eyes
Lack of water affects not only the mouth and throat but also the eyes. This causes a lack of water in the tear ducts, causing burning and redness in the eyes, as well as other more serious problems.

4 – Dry mouth and lips
It seems obvious – and it is – but many times we neglect. Often, when we feel the unpleasant sensation of dry mouth, we resort to juices, soft drinks, and other sweet drinks. They are only a temporary solution and are not as effective as it seems.

5 – Joint pain
Yes, lack of water also causes joint pain and can cause a lot of discomfort. Joints and cartilage discs are composed of 80% water and are necessary so that the bones do not rub against each other at every step. By keeping the water balance in the joints, the body can absorb the shock produced by sudden movements in falls or races.

6 – Reduction of muscle mass
The muscles are also composed of a large amount of water. So when you have less water in your body, you have less muscle mass. Drink water before, during, and after training and physical activity. Such a habit is not only necessary for you to feel good, but it is also very important to reduce the probability of inflammation and pain associated with the exercises afterward.

7 – You get sick for longer
Drinking water helps your body to get rid of diseases much more easily. Your organism works perfectly when there is filtering, but without water, this mechanism cannot work properly. When we suffer dehydration, different organs start to ‘suck’ the water from the blood, and this can cause a long list of problems and make it much harder to get rid of them.

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8 – Feeling tired and sleepy can also be a lack of water
When dehydration occurs, your body steals water from the blood and this causes a lack of oxygen in all organs. As a result, this lack causes drowsiness and tiredness. If you feel this way and can’t find an explanation for it – laziness isn’t worth it – it’s better to review the amount of water you are taking every day.

9 – Hungry, very hungry
When you are dehydrated, your body may think you need more food. This happens during the day and also at night when you wake up and feel that crazy need to break into the refrigerator.

10 – Digestive problems can be caused by dehydration
We have already talked about how important is the hydration of the oral mucosa, and how it is linked to the digestive system. Without the necessary amount of water, the density of the stomach lining decreases, which allows the stomach acid to damage its internal organs, leading to what is commonly called heartburn and indigestion.

11 – Early Aging
Our body’s ability to retain water naturally decreases as we age. This means that as we get older, we need to increase our water intake. If this is not done, we can feel the effects on the skin and also on the diseases we start to have.

Translated and adapted by Limepedia staff.
Sources: Tudointeressante